At the G20 event, Dr Arun Kumar Mehta, Chief Secretary, J&K said people in Jammu and Kashmir have been eager and looking at this programme with a lot of anticipation. He said that he received queries from a lot of people who wanted to participate in the G20 event. So many events were held in universities and the sports arena. There has been a huge enthusiasm about tourism. Last year in 2022 the highest number of people who visited Jammu and Kashmir were 1.88 crore. In 2022 tourism investment was two times more than the previous highest of 2017. That is the change happening in Kashmir. This is just the beginning, mark my words, said the Chief Secretary J&K. Next year we will have a rail link from Srinagar to Delhi. This will be the world’s highest single arch railway bridge, a marvel and a technological wonder. And the National Highway from Srinagar to Jammu is being developed in six months’ time. People may want to just go on a drive on the National Highway, said the Chief Secretary. J&K has a lot more to offer than what you have seen, he said to those who have visited J&K. J&K has four colours, white Kashmir in winters, rainbow Kashmir in spring, green Kashmir in summers and an orange Kashmir in autumn. Kashmir tourism is about 12 months a year, said the Chief Secretary J&K. Nowadays, some tourist sites remain open in winters. Sonamarg, for instance, remains open throughout the year with facilities. We have 300 green destinations here. With the amount of tourists influx we will disperse them in these destinations to enjoy their beauty. Many sites in both Jammu & Kashmir are just picture perfect. Some of the sites are straight out of picture postcards. The recently developed Jhelum Rajbagh Riverfront will add 7 percent to our economy, he said. I am grateful to the Government of India for hosting the G20 event here because that allows J&K to occupy a novel slot in tourism, said Arun Kumar Mehta, Chief Secretary J&K.