Young boy in Kupwara drawn to cricket since the age of three, later won awards

Kupwara Cricket

Skinder Hyder Mir from Kupwara, Jammu & Kashmir has been playing cricket since the age of three. He has played cricket in many states like Haryana, and has won many awards. His elder sister Aisha Umer Mir says, Skinder has been playing since very young and he has a good potential in cricket. Father Umer Mir said, since Skinder became famous nationally, his name has inspired other children the world over to take up sports. These days, children are posting their special talent on Youtube through videos to showcase to the world, he said. Skinder’s sister Aisha wants to see him compete in the Indian cricket team and bring laurels to their father and family’s name in the state, in Jammu & Kashmir and in the whole nation. The budding cricketer met the Lieutenant Governor J&K, Shri Manoj Sinha who appreciated his talent and told him to make a name for himself. The boy’s father wants him to be the youngest in the cricket field after cricketer Sachin Tendulkar.

– News Desk, Kashmir Ahead

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