Drug awareness programme organised for school children by Peace School Budgam

Drug Awareness Programme By Peace School Budgam, Kashmir

Amna Ilyas, a student of Peace School in Budgam, Jammu & Kashmir thanks her school administration for organising these school events where people get aware of the social crimes. Tosif Ahmad Wani, a male student talked about this substance disease which when injected by a person, its smoke gets into the body and brain, causing the person to want another dose and thus they get addicted to the drugs. Another student Heena thinks drugs are a painful experience to the person who has the problem. Further, family and friends often feel helpless in the face of the disease. The drug addiction is increasing at an alarming rate in our society. So the moral of the event is to make the youngsters aware to avoid drugs, she said.

The Principal of Peace School, Aijaz Jalal says, teachers should have the quality to counsel their children about the various problems that arise from drug abuse and how the person gets denigrated and devalued in society. There is also a lot of negative impact on the surrounding family. Teachers can play a good role, apart from teaching, if they can counsel the children. In a routine manner, the teachers should apprise the students about the drug related hazards and its bad effects. Children obey and listen to their teachers, so the teachers can play a good role here in keeping children safe from drugs, said the principal.

Girls of Peace School took on the mike to emphasise that people among us are losing their lives just because of drug addiction. And for five minutes of fun they are getting trapped into a lifetime of addiction. Student Atoofa humbly requested the present generation and the coming one to take a major step to stop drug addiction.

Chairman of Peace School, Athar Parvez said, the main aim of this event was to pass on the message of drug awareness to the students and the society. The school children participated through speeches, plays and acts against drug abuse.

– News Desk, Kashmir Ahead

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