Muslim invitees join in Hindu wedding rituals in Ganderbal, sing songs and share workload

In Ganderbal, a unique wedding was witnessed in which Hindus and Muslims participated said, Badrinath Bhatt of Sanatan Dharma Sabha. Altaf, a local resident of Ganderbal says, we have grown up together so we attend all the marriages whether in a Hindu or a Muslim family. Another local resident Rufik Wal Mir, who has been attending the wedding programme says, the Hindu girl getting married is like our sister. I have been here for three days now. All the Muslim ladies of our neighbourhood are here. He said, the bride’s uncle is from Ladakh. He saw the brotherhood with his own eyes. How Hindu and Kashmiri women are celebrating together, singing wedding songs and performing rituals. He said it is common for Hindu and Muslim families to gather at each other’s house to celebrate functions and festivities together. Special arrangements are made though to cater to food preferences of Hindus and Muslims. The Hindus and Muslims share all the workload. He said around 50-60 Muslim families were invited and they are participating in the wedding festivities. We all share a loving relationship and there is brotherhood among us, said Rufik.

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