Kupwara Grievance Redressal Camp | DGP RR Swain Bridges the Gap Between Common Man & Police

Kupwara Grievance Redressal Camp | DGP RR Swain Bridges the Gap Between Common Man & Police Many new things are happening in our Jammu and Kashmir. Government representatives are personally coming to the villagers’ doorsteps to meet them. This system was started by the Jammu & Kashmir Lieutenant Governor, Shri Manoj Sinha. And this series is being taken forward by Shri Rashmi Ranjan Swain, the Director General of Police (DGP) Jammu & Kashmir. The DGP himself came to Kupwara to listen to the complaints of the common man. Let us hear what is happening in the Public Grievance Redressal Camp that took place on January 15, 2024 in Kupwara, Kashmir Ahead team reported. First we will listen to your complaints and try to solve your problem, said the DGP RR Swain. We thought of coming out of Srinagar and Jammu to meet people in other districts too. This is the first initiative to hold a Public Grievance Redressal Camp outside station headquarters, the DGP said. There are problems related to housing, medical challenges, there is no place to teach the child or problems of martyr families and we are trying to do what is within our reach, said the DGP. For some things, a long term plan will have to be made. Many families have come whose family members were in the police and have died or are cancer patients and they do not have a place to live and they are facing difficulties due to lack of a place to live, for education, for treatment. There are many issues like this in it. Whatever is related to police investigation or complaints can be done more quickly. But there are some things beyond that. But one thing is that one is realising that what are the problems, how much depth is there, in how much quantity it is there and how complex it is. We are trying to find a solution as far as we can, the DGP said. Kupwara locals reacted and said this officer is honest and listens to the poor. He listens to everyone very well, said an old man in Kupwara. You will not find any officer who listens to the poor. Many people have come from faraway places to the grievance redressal camp. They are seeing benefits in meeting the DGP. This is such a good step., said a Kupwara youth. We had not thought even in our dreams like a common man could meet the DGP. This is the first time that a state level authority and that too a DGP comes to meet the people, the common man in their district. A woman’s 18 year case got solved after she met the DGP. In another moving case of a disabled youth, the DGP placed his hand on the youth’s head and started talking to the disabled youth’s mother. He listened to the problem intently and found a solution. Our salute to the DGP, said the youth singing praises. Today, for the first time in history, a government servant visited our district, said another old man in Kupwara. Lucky for those of us who were not able to go to Jammu, had no money and were facing difficulties. At the camp, people expressed their problems in front of the DGP and he tried to solve their problems. The DGP listened to everyone’s pain. After patiently listening to everyone’s sorrow, he would respond to them, observed a man. After Independence, I think this redressal system is a historical event. The radicalisation of youth that was happening from outside. Is there any atrocities being committed on the local community by the people who are serving? The DGP is keen to know. Are the common man getting killed or are the common man being pressurised? Thus, the redressal system is a good step taken by the DGP and how to serve a common man who does not have money power. DGP RR Swain said that the gap that was forming between the common man and the police is being filled and it is becoming closer. More issues are being resolved. Through this series of public direct hearing, my aim is that if there is any problem in improving the services of the police or if there are any shortcomings in it then how can they be eliminated? I also get a direct idea about the issues and the camp serves also a point that if you have not been redressed at the junior level then you can meet a higher officer and there can be redressal, said the DGP RR Swain.

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