Entire Admin Came Out on Field to Show Commitment to Public Service Amid Snowfall | DC SrinagarSnowfallEntire Admin Came Out on Field to Show Commitment to Public Service Amid Snowfall | DC Srinagar

Entire Admin Came Out on Field to Show Commitment to Public Service Amid Snowfall | DC Srinagar Kashmir is heaven on earth, and we can see this live, said a man from Bhatinda, Punjab while on a visit to Kashmir. Earlier we used to hear about awe and fear in Kashmir but there is nothing like that. I have been here for the last one week roaming across Kashmir. I had gone to Gulmarg, Shopian, etc and I enjoyed a lot everywhere. We were lucky to see snowfall in Srinagar and we are enjoying a lot said the tourist from Bhatinda. I’m having a lot of fun, it’s really heaven. This is our first experience of snowfall. And we are so happy to be here. A lot of friends and relatives are planning to come here now, said young tourists in Srinagar. A female tourist said she was lucky to see snowfall for two days in Srinagar. Till that time snowfall had not occurred here. The female tourist said she had gone to Gulmarg and there too she enjoyed very much. This is heaven, said another female tourist in Srinagar. It is obvious that Kashmir should be promoted. It is a very good tourist place, said the female tourist. We are feeling very good. The people of Kashmir are very nice and the environment here is also very good. And the weather has made our hearts happy, said a male tourist. You recover full amount of the money you spent after experiencing Kashmir. Yesterday we went to Gulmarg for Gondola ride, today we went for Shikara ride in Srinagar. We will do a local tour of Srinagar and tomorrow we are off to Pahalgam. It is a request to the people, do come and hang out here, said the tourist. I don’t know whose prayer was accepted and that’s why it snowed, said a young girl in Srinagar playing with snow. We were waiting for long for this moment. Tourists opined that the people of Kashmir are wonderful. They have a very helping nature. Right from the shikara man and the boathouse man and even people in Pahalgam were very nice. We enjoyed it. We are very thankful that we saw snow for the first time this year. So this is our identity, said a local Kashmiri referring to the snow. Our climate is also good here. And land, fruits, everything depends on it. And I would like to say this to the public, when more tourists come to Kashmir, employment will also start and vehicles, drivers, and hotels will benefit those who all depend on tourists. This is my message, come here and roam around, appealed one local. Kashmir is like heaven and I say that it is better than heaven, said a female tourist. We had gone to Gulmarg and that place is also very nice. I had gone once to Switzerland but Kashmir is better than Switzerland. See the beauty of Kashmiri people, how they accept and welcome people, said the tourist from Bhatinda, Punjab. There is no need to go to Switzerland. Now come to Kashmir and enjoy in Kashmir. This is even better than Switzerland, said a young female tourist in Srinagar. We all prayed that it should snow and it started snowing. And falling snow also brings some difficulties, said the DC Srinagar Dr Bilal M Bhat IAS. For this, people like the administration are planning how to reduce the snow and are considering what problems have occurred or have occurred frequently in the past years, and how to deal with them. If we talk about roads, we have a network of 3,000 km in Srinagar, of which 1,500 km division or half of road maintenance is done by SMC division. Work on all this is going on, all roads are open, said the DC Srinagar. We have restored power supply. We have 275 feeders. Out of this, 11 feeders are in outage but they will be restored soon. But we have enough buffer. We have directions from the Lieutenant Governor of Jammu & Kashmir, Shri Manoj Sinha. We will follow it. Electricity is given from the buffer bank in eight hours in urban areas and in 24 hours in rural areas. Se we are on it and, as such, at this moment we do not have any power issue. We are fully prepared. Tourists are also enjoying. We are committed to public service. For the people of Srinagar, the entire administration is in the field at this time, be it traffic, police or administration. We are all on field with the people, said DC Srinagar Dr Bilal M Bhat IAS. There was no snow during Chillai Kalan period. In February it snowed in Gulmarg, Pahalgam, Sonamarg and Srinagar reported Kashmir Ahead team. Today, the entire Kashmir seems like it is truly a paradise completely wrapped in snow like a white sheet. People and tourists are enjoying a lot here. There were many tourists seen in Lal Chowk and they were also enjoying. So right now people seem very happy, said Kashmir Ahead team member Fayaz from Ghanta Ghar Lal Chowk, Srinagar.

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