Watch how at minus 30 in Leh, vegetables are grown in polyhouses

Rahul Sharma, Technical Officer at Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Leh says, Leh is one of the most difficult mountainous regions. Here the temperature goes down to minus 30. In this condition, we use polyhouse and plastics for growing vegetables. Kinza Fatima Technical Officer Weather Station Leh says, when the temperature goes down, we train the farmers to cover with polyhouses. Mostly leafy vegetables are grown and accordingly we advise the farmers. In winters, vegetables are not available. Muneeb-ul-Rehman, Scientist at Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences & Technology of Kashmir, SKUAST-K-Leh says, with our research we make the vegetables available to them. Meghna, a farmer in Leh says, mostly vegetables are grown in polyhouses in winters. Scientist Muneeb says, according to the weather conditions, we are trying out mud polyhouses. We do a black coating inside so that heat stays trapped inside during winters. And during the night when the temperature goes down the effect of heat is maintained. All the summer season vegetables are grown including watermelon, lady finger, muskmelon and tomato which would not have been possible in the open grounds. During winters when the temperature goes down to minus 30 with the help of polyhouses we grow broccoli, cauliflower, chinese cabbage, spinach and radish, etc. Farmer Fuzuk Dolma says, outside during winters it is very cold, sometimes it rains or snows, so leafy vegetables cannot grow.

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