Village residents in Tral get electricity for the first time in five years

We are very happy that we got electricity in our homes. This is like the happiness during Eid, said a resident of Tral village in Pulwama, Jammu and Kashmir. We were staying here for five years without electricity and water. Our children have seen light for the first time. We could not charge our mobiles and children were not studying because of the absence of power. Now we have light during Iftar. Now the children are studying well. Earlier we used to travel one and a half kilometres to charge mobiles. Even the solar lamps used to die in two months. We used to get a replacement for Rs 1300 – Rs 1500. We did not have water. The mothers and sisters are relieved as they do not have to carry water from a 2km distance to their homes. We are grateful that the basic grievances of the poor have been taken into consideration. They are also happy that during Ramzan when they are doing Roza they have got the comfort of the power. The residents had tears of happiness in their eyes as their homes were lit up. The basic facilities which they were entitled to they got it late, the administration acknowledged. Moreover, they are being provided with ration cards. In the coming time, many other facilities will be provided to them by the administration. The efforts of the administration will be to connect the unconnected. We have reached those whom no one had reached, said the administration officials in Tral.

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