Supreme Court Validates Parliament’s Decision | LG Applauds Decision to Forge a New, Inclusive J&K

Supreme Court Validates Parliament’s Decision | LG Applauds Decision to Forge a New, Inclusive J&K The Hon’ble Supreme Court told the world that the decision taken by the Parliament of the country in the interest of the citizens of Jammu and Kashmir is now fully legal. I welcome this decision, said the Lieutenant Governor of Jammu & Kashmir, Shri Manoj Sinha. This decision is a decision to strengthen the roots of unity and integrity of the country. This decision is a decision to strengthen the participation of deprived classes in governance. The decision of the Honourable Supreme Court is also a decision for the creation of a new Jammu and Kashmir with social justice, equality and constitutional rights for all sections of the society. It is a decision that will take them to great heights. This decision will definitely create a new enthusiasm in the hope and aspirational society associated with the creation of a new Jammu and Kashmir.

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