Shri Budhha Amarnathji Yatra Starts in Poonch, J&K: A Symbol of Unity, Celebrating Brotherhood

मज़्हब नहीं सिखाता आपस में बैर रखना हिन्दी हैं हम, वतन है हिन्दोसिताँ हमारा The brotherhood between Hindu, Muslim, Sikh and Christian has really been going on for years in Poonch and till today the brotherhood can be seen in the Poonch district of Jammu & Kashmir. This is the Poonch border area and here nearly the whole Hindustan has come for visiting Mahadev, said a man talking about the Shri Budhha Amarnathji Temple yatra. Earlier Pakistan used to complain that this happened in our Kashmir and that happened. Hey, today we have taken care of Kashmir, said a local from Kashmir. The golden bird is here. People from all over the world are reaching here. Even people from Kerala to Tamil Nadu are arriving here. This Kashmir is ours, similarly that Kashmir is also ours, said a man passionately. Here there is happiness. In the coming time, this yatra will also come out for there (PoK). Yaseen M Choudhry, DC Poonch said that Shri Budhha Amarnath Chattani yatra has begun. Around 1300 yatris have arrived in vehicles. All the civic societies, organisations and the public have come out to welcome the yatra. The administration has tried for the beautification of the yatra, sanitation, food and every necessary facility to be provided to the yatris. We are sure that this yatra will be successful, DC Poonch said. Poonch District is known for its identity. It has always been said here that Poonch city is a symbol of the unity of Hindus, Muslims and Sikhs. Whenever any festival is held, everyone celebrates together. Like every year, our annual Shri Budha Amarnathji Yatra is starting. People of every caste and province you will get to meet in the college ground. Yatra Officer Mohan Suri said the base camp of Shri Budhha Amarnathji Yatra is in Poonch. The first batch of the yatra has reached. The number of visits is close to sixteen hundred. The locals also travel in the yatra. The Poonch area is sending a message to India about Hindu, Muslim, Sikh unity and brotherhood. The administration has made strong arrangements for yatris’ food and drink, night stay, electricity and water provision in the camp, etc. Everyone knows the intention of the neighboring country, a yatra participant added. What does the neighboring country think? Everyone knows what they do, sometimes they try to spread drugs through drones and try to destroy our youth. Sometimes they lure our youth by throwing weapons. They try to hurt our brotherhood but the more power it takes to destroy brotherhood, the stronger the brotherhood of Poonch grows. The yatra participant further added, I want to tell the neighboring country clearly that first make arrangements for your people’s food and drink. You don’t have anything to eat and drink for your people, so how can you think of destroying another country?

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