Shopian Farmer Grows Exotic Vegetables with Agricultural Department’s Aid, Achieves Profitable Sales

I used to work in Haryana till 1982. I used to work there with the vegetable seller who was growing vegetables, said Ghulam Mohd Mir, a Farmer. Then I came to Shopian in Jammu & Kashmir and started growing vegetables here. First I faced a problem, then the Agriculture department came to know. I went to their office, they in turn came to my place in the fields. They gave me new varieties of vegetables to grow. I do not know the name but I can say one thing that this grocery vegetable has come for the first time here in Kashmir. The seeds of exotic vegetables have been given by the Agriculture department. They also bring the customers and also help us to sell these. Our job is to grow these vegetables. I am thankful to the department for helping me sell at good rates. These vegetables are in high demand in the market. People are searching for such varieties, said the farmer. Earlier, this vegetable was getting imported. Now, farmers in Pulwama, Shopian are growing them at ease in their fields. Now the need for import has stopped. I do grafting and sow other vegetables too. Apples were sold at Rs 35-40 per kg and these exotic vegetables got sold at Rs 70 per kg. We do not use any fertiliser or medicine on these vegetables. Fertilizer is ruining the land, it does not give much benefit, said the farmer. I am self-employed and I have eight people working for me, they also get paid and by the grace of Allah, I also get income for my living, said the farmer growing exotic varieties of vegetables in Shopian.

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