Panchayati Raj Institution Members Praise Peaceful & Accessible Kashmir at National Conference

Geetanjali Sharma, Sarpanch, Naran, Samba at SKICC Srinagar said, we attended the three-day Panchayat National Conference. We are feeling very good here. I would like to extend my thanks to the PM Modi and the Lieutenant Governor of Jammu & Kashmir, Shri Manoj Sinha. Earlier people used to be scared in coming to Kashmir. Hearing the name of Kashmir, they used to feel that it’s a terrorist area, they felt hesitation in coming here. We have come with our colleagues and can move about freely. The conference programme carried on till 10-10:30 pm. We did not experience any fear. This is a big change we are experiencing and we are grateful to the Modi government. The Jammu people can freely come to Kashmir without any fear and attend conferences and other events, said the female Sarpanch. Dr Harbaksh Singh, DDC Member Tral says it is a very good initiative. Conferences give exposure. People come from abroad and we get opportunities to interact. We get to know their PRI Acts and their implementation. Somewhere PRI’s have been implemented for 20 years and in some places for 30 years. What people do there, we gain experience here. Apart from that we also tour abroad and gain through interactions. The PRI members of Jammu & Kashmir also mix among themselves, said the DDC member.. Khadim Hussain Shah, BDO, Meliyal says recently he was posted there about five months back. Good development is taking place. A bridge is lacking otherwise around 1000 cars are travelling on a daily basis. Lot of tourists come here and the nearby areas are so beautiful. The tourists put up in tents overnight, said the BDO.

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