J&K Hosts Momentous Conference Celebrating Chandrayaan-3 Success & Agricultural Advancements

I extend my warm greetings and welcome you all to Jammu & Kashmir. First of all I would like to congratulate all of you and the nation’s entire new space scientist community for the successful landing of Chandrayaan-3. We have become the fourth country to achieve this and the first country to land on the south pole of the Moon. This historic achievement just hours before the conference is very auspicious and encouraging for all of us, said the Lieutenant Governor of Jammu & Kashmir, Shri Manoj Sinha addressing a joint session of the Indian Council of Cultural Relations and Agriculture University Meet. And I would like to say it is a great start to this conference. I am overjoyed and overwhelmed to see India emerging as a global superpower in space. The Land Rover will continue to explore the Moon in the next 14 days. I am happy to see experts committee and foreign delegates will have a great interaction and deliberations on agricultural education, skill development, and leveraging Agriculture 4.0 Technology. It will benefit not only India but indeed, the entire world, LG said. The world is aware of the fact that for around three decades this land of peaceful coexistence of almost all religious sects had to suffer state sponsored terrorism by our neighbouring country, LG said. However, the Honourable Prime Minister Shri Narendra Mod’s development schemes that empowers masses and Union Territories and effective administration isolated the terrorist ecosystem which used to thrive with the support of some bodies. In the last four years we have travelled a long distance to reach where we have reached today. Our economy is growing, tourist influx has grown manifold, industrial investments including foreign direct investments are pouring in, quiet transformations are taking place in the city, cities are transforming with smarter solutions for ease of living, districts are becoming a base of production and export hub for handloom, handicraft and agricultural products. New highways, smoother roads with 4.0 technology we are beginning to see a qualitative change and tremendous growth in every sector, LG said. Last year in Jammu & Kashmir with Holistic Agricultural Development Programme, a new journey began. Country’s renowned agricultural scientists completely exploited the potential of farmers and prepared a futuristic road map for the next five years. We have approached the farmers with this road map. We understood their needs. We filled the gaps in the agricultural sector by gathering the necessary information. Invented new solutions to existing challenges and made them a part of this policy. Today, our Kisan Sampark Abhiyan is going on in many villages of Jammu and Kashmir, LG stated at the joint session.

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