Jammu Embraces Clean & Green Travel | Electric Bus Service Operating Under Smart City Project

Jammu Embraces Clean & Green Travel | Electric Bus Service Operating Under Smart City Project E-bus service has commenced in Jammu as part of Jammu Smart City project. What has changed in Jammu & Kashmir? This is a question asked by many. But are they noticing the changes happening. Kashmir Ahead team travelled in an electric bus in Jammu to get a firsthand report of ground reality. This is the reaction: there was a time when the buses were crammed and they used to rattle. Now the electric buses are so clean and they give you the feeling of travelling in a plane. The most important benefit is it does not ooze out noise or air pollution. The older buses had become a contributor to global warming because of the harm they were causing to the environment. The J&K government has taken this step which goes to show that it holds its people in priority. The conductor pointed out the benefits of the electric buses. These have comfortable seats. There is a separate chair for the differently abled. The buses are safe for travelling for men and women as these are operated under electronic surveillance. The buses are air conditioned. Digital announcement of the coming stop runs on the bus. There is cashless e-ticketing system available. People can go for mobile ticketing and get the Common Mobility Card. All these features have been incorporated for a comfortable ride for the citizens. Around 75 electric buses have come to Jammu and 25 more will come. Thus in the near future, around 100 electric buses will operate in Jammu as part of the Jammu Smart City Project. The older buses will vanish and so will the air pollution caused by them, said the conductor of the electric bus operating in Jammu.

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