Int’l Freestyle Footballers Showcase Skills in J&K’s Lal Chowk | Express Delight To Be in Kashmir

Int’l Freestyle Footballers Showcase Skills in J&K’s Lal Chowk | Express Delight To Be in Kashmir International Freestyle footballers from Germany and Poland are showing their skills in Lal Chowk, Jammu & Kashmir. Freestyle Footballers Aguska & Patrick siad they were happy to be in J&K. They liked the city, atmosphere, food and the people. They said they really enjoyed their stay in Kashmir. Aguska said everything is beautiful here. Dal Lake is the most beautiful thing and the hospitality is heartwarming. Patrick said how everybody in Kashmir was friendly and helping out. Everybody helped us out with food or if we were looking for a special place. It was a special time for us here in Jammu & Kashmir. Aguska recommended coming to Kashmir to see the beautiful young city. She loved Dal Lake the most. On the whole the experience was beautiful and she thanked everyone for having her there.

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