The Lieutenant Governor of Jammu & Kashmir, Shri Manoj Sinha had talked to the Airport Director at Srinagar International Airport on his earlier visit. He was informed that 44 flights have come in and 44 flights will leave Srinagar for various destinations. In total around 88 flights are operating every day. Being an Airforce Airport, in an hour only four flights are allowed to land in and take off, the Airport Director had informed LG. The Lieutenant Governor had said then that we will find a way how to increase the number of flights. LG said in 2020 18 flights used to come in and 18 flights took off from Kashmir daily. In the summers last year, 55 flights were landing in and 55 taking off on a daily basis. Since 3rd April, 2023 the number of flights have been increased. Now 63 flights are landing in Kashmir and 63 flights are taking off from Kashmir in a day. In Jammu too, the number of flights per day has been increased to 38 coming in and 38 taking off, LG said.