Door to door Golden Card registration done in Tral

Providing door to door online service, Dr. Paramjeet Singh, Medical Officer at Dadasara, Tral in Jammu & Kashmir says, a camp was organised for residents of Dadasara and neighbouring villages to register and enrol their names for the Golden Card scheme. It is a beneficial scheme for those who accidentally fall sick, their life insurance of Rs 5 lakh is guaranteed. Also, they can get surgical treatment at any government or private hospital which has registered with the government for free. People were facing a lot of difficulties as they had to go to Tral in Jammu & Kashmir or some other place to get their golden card made. But with a camp at Dadasara, the common villagers have been facilitated. They are also made aware of the various benefits arising out of the Golden Card. A Dadasara resident remarked, it is just like an ATM card in our pockets. If a person falls sick they can get a coverage of Rs 5 lakh as insurance. We are grateful to the government for launching the scheme in Dadasara village of Jammu & Kashmir. We came to the camp and got the Golden Card made for our children and ourselves. We did not face any difficulty at all.

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