Asia’s largest Tulip garden with a bloom of 15 lakh tulips opens for the public in Kashmir

कौन देता है जान फूलों पर कौन करता है बात फूलों की फूल खिलते रहेंगे दुनिया में रोज़ निकलेगी बात फूलों की फिर छिड़ी रात बात फूलों की – मख़दूम मुहिउद्दीन This is Asia’s largest Tulip garden in Srinagar, said the Lieutenant Governor of Jammu and Kashmir, Shri Manoj Sinha while inaugurating the Tulip Festival on March 19, 2023. “I want to thank the thousands of gardeners and workers who have all diligently put in hard work to decorate the park, bringing all the colours of the universe through flowers for you and all of us”, he said. “Spread on 30 hectares, flowering 68 different unique varieties of tulips, I dedicate the Tulip festival to the patience, penance and hard work of the workers involved in the Tulip garden’, the LG stated.. Last year, 3 lakh 60,000 people came to visit the Tulip garden and this has been the highest footfall since the establishment of the Tulip garden in 2008 as the Indira Gandhi Memorial Tulip Garden. We hope that the figure climbs up this year. The Lieutenant Governor invited the people of India to come to Jammu and Kashmir to visit the Tulip festival and the Valley to have lots of fun. The 30-hectare Tulip garden lying in between Dal Lake and Zabarwan foothills in Kashmir attracts the visitors who come here to see and understand cultural and natural beauty. Also known as the Siraj Garden, around 15 lakh tulips along with other seasonal flowers bloom here. The magic of this garden is the dialogue the visitors have established with the flowers of this garden. The magic of this state’s crown has started spreading all over India, remarked LG. Under the guidance of the honourable Prime Minister Narendra Modi, in the Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir, a new kind of revolution of fulfilling 40 ambitions has begun.

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