After Amarnath Yatra, Service Providers Unite in Cricket Matches, Fostering Harmony & Relaxation

Amarnath service providers after the yatra duration gather in the mountains to spend time together by playing cricket. The yatris sometimes join them. Everyone be it Hindu, Muslim, Sikh all come here to play as one. This coming together of people from diverse backgrounds in harmony and spiritual unity is unseen. The flow of yatris has reduced and we are enjoying by playing cricket, said service providers. We did good sewa of the yatris. Now after 4 pm we are playing cricket here. We are keeping ourselves fit. Yatris said that when we were returning after booking our tickets we saw people playing here in the fields. Here the view and climate is very nice. We also came down to enjoy the fun. The tiredness of the yatra months is chilled out by playing here, said the service providers. The service providers, drivers and association members all gather to spend the evenings together playing, laughing and joking at Baltal Base camp.

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