With the free Golden Card, the poor no longer need to ignore their illness due to high medical costs

Thousands are being spent in hospitals. A poor person who does not have even a thousand Rs income can get his treatment done well with the Golden Card, said caregivers of patients using the Golden Card in Pulwama. This is a very big step by the government especially for the poor. The Golden Card has made our lives easy. It benefits us a lot. Gives medicines, supplies and does all the work for us. In Pulwama district of Jammu & Kashmir, a caregiver of an old woman said that he had got the right eye surgery done last year for his mother at Srinagar hospital. That time the cost was around 24-25 thousand rupees and we did not have a Golden Card. The doctor had said that the following year the other eye surgery needs to be done. Luckily, this year I had the Golden Card made because of which I did not pay a single fee for the surgery of the left eye. I am very happy that the eye operation took place and now my mother can see through both her eyes. Anybody who has a Golden Card can go to any hospital for any problem and get free treatment, said the caregiver.

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