Tral Woman Starts Her Walnut Business with UMEED Scheme Support | Overcoming Family Obstacles

Tral Woman Starts Her Walnut Business with UMEED Scheme Support | Overcoming Family Obstacles Muneera, a young woman from Tral, Pulwama in Jammu & Kashmir wanted to start her own business. But she had no support. Then she heard about the UMEED scheme from others. Then she enquired about it from people around her and wanted to know the details of the UMEED scheme. Then she participated in the UMEED scheme. They financially supported her to start her walnut shelling unit. Muneera works along with another young girl. She is getting Rs 90,000 as profits from this business. Muneera says she is grateful to the UMEED scheme for supporting her. Her associate Iqra Jaan, beneficiary of UMEED says her family’s financial condition was not right and that is why she studied only till 10th. I thought I wanted to do something. But I had no idea what to do nor did I have any support. Then I heard about the UMEED scheme from the people that they provide financial support. Then I started work here after hearing from Muneera that a lot of support is being provided. Then I joined the UMEED scheme. Muneera says she was always interested in doing walnut work in her home, so I did it and I am getting a lot of benefits from it. Now I am not dependent on my family members. My father did not earn much. He used to work as a labourer. That is why I left studies as we used to face financial problems. And that is why I did not have support of my parents as there were financial problems at home. When I got financial help from UMEED scheme to do this work then I got the support of my family. Today I earn independently and I am thankful that I am getting the support of my family. I was interested in doing walnut work in my home, so I did it and got a lot of benefits from it. My financial problems were solved by this walnut business. And I want to thank the government for providing the UMEED scheme, said Muneera. Muneera’s associate Iqra also felt that the scheme is very good for women. She is also grateful to the government who have come up with these schemes for women and we women can benefit a lot from it, said Iqra, an UMEED beneficiary. The young women also thanked the Lieutenant Governor Manoj Sinha for implementing the schemes so that women can earn their own livelihood in Jammu & Kashmir. Now the women in J&K need not depend on anyone for their needs.

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