‘Say No to Drugs’, Tral school children rally against the critical issue of drugs in society

Say ‘No’ to Drugs. Life is precious! A mega rally was taken out by the Youth Sports Service together with the students of various schools in Tral, Jammu & Kashmir. As far as the cultivation of drugs is concerned we will see a physical change in the near future when we will be declaring the sub-district Tral as zero cultivation zone for which the district administration has already given a concerted programme which will be aggressively followed, said an official. We all know that drug addiction is a critical issue in the modern day world and it is creating a lot of problems in society. It is destroying the lives of people, said students in Tral. It is destroying the youth. A drug addicted person can do anything to get hold of drugs to the extent of committing crimes. So this needs to be stopped, students pointed out in the rally. The anti-drug addiction rally is being taken out to make people aware of the harmful consequences of drugs so that people can refrain from such bad activities and also resolve to protect others. With this hope we are taking out this rally that our society becomes drug-free, students said. A student sent this message through this video that it is our responsibility to protect one another. Also, you must stand up and raise your voice against this serious issue. Life is precious. Do not waste it. The youth need to be guided on the right path, elders shared their concern.

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