Protests Erupt Across Kashmir After Targeted Killings of Migrant Workers | People Denounce Violence

Protests Erupt Across Kashmir After Targeted Killings of Migrant Workers | People Denounce Violence Targeted killings of two migrant workers in Srinagar evoked protests across Kashmir. People of Jammu and Kashmir united against terrorism by taking out a peaceful protest march for slain Amrit Pal and Rohit Masih. They held banners saying; Peace over Violence and Pulwama stands strong against barbarism. They shouted slogans to stop killing innocents. To denounce killings, people from different walks of life held protests and took out candle light marches. On Wednesday evening, terrorists opened fire on Amrit Pal and Rohit Masih, both residents of Punjab in Shalla Kadal area of Srinagar. There is no place for such incidents in our society, said the people of J&K condemning the act. The people of Kashmir strongly condemn these attacks, said protesters gathered to denounce the killings.

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