PM Awas Yojana | Homeless Build Two Room Houses in Tral, J&K | Village Residents Express Gratitude

PM Awas Yojana | Homeless Build Two Room Houses in Tral, J&K | Village Residents Express Gratitude The PM Awas Yojana is bringing progress for everyone, said the Prime Minister of India, Shri Narendra Modi. Today, the PM Awas Yojana is becoming a medium of huge socio-economic change. Village residents in Tral spoke out that even though there was no house, the house arrived for us and our problem was solved. I have been able to build two rooms and free ration is available, said another villager in Tral. It was very difficult for the poor. Where will the poor build such houses in today’s times? But this government has come up with a good scheme for us. This has helped us a lot and we are happy. There was only one room and no place to make ‘roti’, said a female. We are very thankful to the government who gave Rs 1.50 lakh for the construction of our houses. We did not have even one house. So now we are grateful to PM Modi ji and the Sarpanch. There was no scope for the poor to make homes. We are so thankful that Modi ji gives us so much, another resident said in praise. The Sarpanch of Tral said that due to the scheme by Modi ji, here every household has got a home. In the past 75 years, nothing like this has been done. Since I have become Sarpanch here, in the last three four years, development has been done so I am thankful to the J&K UT government and Narendra Modi ji. Earlier governments were ineffective. Now with the digital transformation, people’s problems have eased. From the comfort of their home, through mobiles, they can get the work done online. In MGNREGA, their payment gets transferred online after 15 days. For all the work of PRI or others, the funds come at the Halqa level. From the Central Government it comes directly to the Halqas. So there’s no money getting lost in between. Whoever helps the poor, Allah will help him also, voiced villagers. We are very happy with the Modi government, said a female resident in Tral village.

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