On World Environment Day LG Manoj Sinha tells J&K people to develop a new consciousness

World Environment Day, June 5, today is the day for the whole society to fulfil its duties, said the Lieutenant Governor of Jammu and Kashmir, Shri Manoj Sinha. And the real purpose of such celebrations is not just a formality but environment protection at all levels of society. A new consciousness should be awakened in trying to understand it. Let’s be aware of the environment and the solution cannot be done by just one day of observance but being sensitive to the environment then I think we will be able to achieve the goal. We should improve our habit towards the environment and may it blend easily and smoothly into our lives just like the rest of the work we do, then we will definitely get success, LG said. सारी दुनिया के बदल जाने का शिकवा कैसा तुम बदल जाओ तो दिन रात बदल जाएगी If each person changes only then we can bring change in the society. We are all lucky that nature has selflessly given us all that is needed for a better life and so we must show sensitivity to nature and efforts should be made to preserve it, LG added. Today if we will restore ecology and plastic pollution, whatever works I believe that for generations to come whether it’s the people living in the village or city dwellers it would be a blessing in disguise. And what was said by Kabir Das ji that the day when all sections of the society and at all levels will be born as an awakened consciousness, that day we will definitely be able to deal with the challenges of climate change. The United Nations has given a slogan to the nations: Beat Plastic Pollution. Converting this slogan into a resolution is not only the responsibility of the Jammu and Kashmir Administration and Forest and Environment Department rather it is the responsibility of the whole society, LG said. This year on Environment Day, consciousness has to be created in the masses to beat plastic pollution and to speed up the process. Until society unites till then we will not get rid of this. The way Jammu and Kashmir is on the path of development and tourism sector trying to reach new heights, in that scenario between development and environmental protection to ensure a better balance, the Forest Department is performing its important role. People of the society also need to come forward to play their role in climate change and the environment. I hope our forest department’s continuous efforts will continue to reduce the adverse effects on the environment, LG said. In this direction the Green Jammu and Kashmir drive, Har Gaon Hariyali Yojana, plant trees in daughter’s name and several initiatives have contributed significantly to this cause. I am sure that we will definitely be successful in the future with the cooperation of all of you to maintain the balance between development and environment, the Lieutenant Governor said.

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