A mega fruit plant nursery was inaugurated at RS Pora, Chakori by the Department of Horticulture, Jammu. Speaking at the inaugural event, the Lieutenant Governor of Jammu and Kashmir, Shri Manoj Sinha said that in one year establishing a mega nursery where the smell of flowers will replace the stink of gunpowder that enveloped the area in the past is a big wonder for Jammu and Kashmir. The LG said that they have been working on this plan for a long time and all farming activities and the various subjects associated with it and for their timely development, the government will be working for it. Everyone has worked hard to ensure that the 13 lakh families that are associated with farming and related activities, the government can make a meaningful difference in their lives. For this, 39 projects worth Rs 5013 crore in the coming five years have been planned apart from the budget for the farming sector. The Jammu and Kashmir government will spend on farmers. We should focus on what we need to do rather on discrimination. The LG emphasised clearly and said with responsibility that the era of discrimination is over. Whatever the field, the government will do everything to make progress in that field. If Jammu and Kashmir needs to transform then the biggest area of change needs to come from farming and associated livelihoods like gardening, fisheries, and dairy which gives us the greatest contribution.