Mahavir’s principle of non-violence, pluralism and personal growth is the path of development

Every year Mahavir Jayanti is celebrated on April 4 in the whole country with great joy, said the Lieutenant Governor of Jammu and Kashmir, Shri Manoj Sinha. A prayer was held for the spiritual progress of the society and people sincerely wished to overcome all challenges. The thoughts of Lord Mahavir, Jain philosophers, and the legacy of saints have been guiding human society for centuries, the Lieutenant Governor said. I think their relevance is going to increase in the future as well. Their perspectives on Ahimsa, Aparigraha, Asteya, Satya and Brahmacharya and their rich vision of pluralism has guided humanity in the toughest of situations touching the highest pinnacle of thoughts. Their teachings have also proved the significance of values ​​and sources in our culture. Mahavira’s principle of sacred non-violence and pluralism along with personal growth also shows the path of development for a society. That’s why in the category of great man and great saint of the nation I think, Mahavir appears to shine like the highest peak of the Himalayas. His blessings establish simplicity in personalities and ease in society. For ‘Atma Nirbhar’ Jammu and Kashmir and a developed India it is a revelation for the development of India that all the people of the society go on the path of spiritual and physical upliftment by inculcating the values ​​of Lord Mahavir in their lives. For a society whose foundation of hope and aspiration is based on the welfare of all and for the welfare of all classes then its growth potential also becomes limitless. Their ideals and resolutions always stand firm. With the blessings of great men along with material progress, spiritual progress also continued in our country. And that is the result that in the form of Jagat Guru, India has been the only country in the world which wants to take everyone along in social, economic and spiritual development.

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