Locals of border village Poonch happy their issues are getting resolved by the government

Mohamad Ashfaq, a local resident of border village Poonch says, that the development challenges and issues that we locals faced such as roads, electricity, and safe drinking water were taken care by the administration and addressed rapidly in 1-2 years. We did not have a road to walk on, but now as you can see we have got a paved road. Mohamad Shabbir, another local resident says, earlier, we used to face a lot of trouble. We used to take dead bodies and there used to be firing from the other side. In the village, 50-60 people easily gather. Many casualties have taken place. Now, with the built road, only 3-4 people need go in a tempo.

Another local resident, Mohamad Saddiq says, access to safe water was a major issue. Now with the help of the government, this issue has been taken care of. Maksood Ahmed, another local says that we hope that in the coming future too, our problems will keep getting solved by the administration.

News Desk, Kashmir Ahead

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