Khanmoh, Srinagar | Specially-Abled Entrepreneur Inspires Hope | Starts Spice-Making Business

Khanmoh, Srinagar | Specially-Abled Entrepreneur Inspires Hope | Starts Spice-Making Business One should not lose courage in life, said Smarty Jan from Khanmoh, Srinagar, a wheelchair-bound female. A person should move forward in life, she said instilling courage in her fellow brothers and sisters who are suffering from disabilities. If we think that we cannot do anything, then it is obvious that humans cannot do anything. To prove her mindset, she set about getting a loan from Khadi & Village Industries (KVIC). So that is how she started making spices (masala). Whatever my spice is, it is absolutely pure, said Smarty Jan. I grind it myself. Ten people work with me. I want my factory to grow further so that I can add more people to me. A worker at her factory said that they made all masala here, including turmeric, red chilly powder, saunf, etc. We want that this work should progress further, with the benefit of the factory we also get employment, said the worker. I want those who are wheelchair bound, those brothers and sisters, to come out of the house. The educated people who are victims of depression should take advantage of the good schemes provided by the government. They can do this job comfortably. There are many schemes here, said the specially abled entrepreneur.

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