J&K Unites in Candlelight March, Sends Strong Message to Pakistan: We Stand for Peace & Unity

After Dy. SP Humayun Bhat, Colonel Manpreet Singh and Major Aashish Dhonchak and a soldier were killed in an anti-terror Operation Garol in Kokernag, Anantnag, a strong message came out through candle marches held in various districts for Pakistan from Jammu and Kashmir people. In Kupwara, in thousands people gathered including the youth, mothers, sisters, civil society residents, and people of political parties to take out a candle march procession to honour and remember the supreme sacrifices made by the three brave police personnel. We want to give out this warning message to our neighbouring country who do not want to see conditions improving in Kashmir and who have been using our youth to mislead them on the wrong path that beware lest in the future these very youths do not destroy you. We warn you to be careful, said the youth standing on the soil of Kupwara. The day is not far when your name will be erased from this world. We will go inside Pakistan to kill everyone who swears by terrorism. In Poonch, children, young and old joined in a foot march to protest the killings paying tribute to all the soldiers who sacrificed their lives. Our sympathies are with their families, mourners said. We want to tell Pakistan that in the coming time, the children of Poonch will be with the Police and the Indian Army. And whenever such a time comes, we will always be ready to fire and die for our country. Remembering the martyrs and paying homage to the four lives lost, we took out a candle march and condemned our neighboring country where no one can even tell who is its PM. They are in a deploring condition yet they are not giving up on their mischiefs. We are paying full tribute to the martyrs by expressing our anger. Slogans were raised against Pakistan that the country does not desist from its wrongful activities. Martyrs were paid respects, letters of sympathy were sent to the families of the martyrs. The people of Poonch, irrespective of their religion or sect, are standing with the police. Whatever conspiracy Pakistan does, we will not let that conspiracy complete, people vowed. It is unfortunate for the people of Shopian that we have lost those bravehearts. This is killing of humanity. We want peace and progress. But it seems the neighbouring country do not want us to be happy. Many people gathered to pay tribute to the brave soldiers. In Kulgam too, youth and elders gathered in a peaceful candle march to protest the killings. They said they do not want bloodshed. They have lost so many young people to terrorism. They want peace and prosperity. They want to see society developing, progressing ahead. In Kunzer, Baramulla people gathered in a candle march protest holding posters of the soldiers killed. They said Pakistan is inciting violence. The crime in Kashmir will be felt in Pakistan. They have destroyed their country. They have used Muslims to realise their terrorist, delporable activities. Muslims like peace. In Islam it is written that always work for peace. But in Pakistan, the ISI government has misused the youth in Kashmir.

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