I am a very old customer of J&K Bank and my account has been in operation since 1999. Earlier, the bank‘s reach was only to a limited number of people. Today, the general masses can access the bank and avail the services offered. Overall, the performance of the bank is quite good. The J&K Bank is playing a good role in linking the government schemes with the public. The new schemes like the Prime Minister’s Employment Generation Programme (PMEGP), artisan credit card, kisan credit card, and KVIC are explained. The masses who want to start their own enterprise are told to associate with these schemes and be benefitted. The locals say, the J&K bank is working better than before. Previously people had to use approach or political power to get the work done. Now with the help of information technology, the banks cannot deny help to the eligible. All the eligible are helped a lot by the J&K Bank.