Like last year, this year too was celebrated Jashn-e-Chillai Kalan at the stadium in Shopian, Jammu & Kashmir, said a youth. Thousands of people have braved the cold to come out of their homes to participate in the festivities and be a part of the culture, the locals reported.. It is very chilly in Kashmir yet the government is encouraging people and the youth to take part in the winter festivities and promote their talent and culture. Celebration of Jashn e Chillai Kalan is one such platform for the youth. Events like this encourage winter tourism to happen in every district of Kashmir and not just in Gulmarg. In Shopian alone there are lots of offbeat places like Aherbal that have the potential of attracting national and international tourists . Locals say if festivals like these are organised from time to time then Shopian will soon find a place on the tourist map. The people of Shopian are supportive and even with the temperature going in minus, the locals are finding a reason to celebrate.