Jammu & Kashmir LG Manoj Sinha unveiled the statue of General Zorawar Singh, at University of Jammu

Jammu & Kashmir LG Shri Manoj Sinha unveiled the statue of General Zorawar Singh, at University of Jammu. The unveiling of a statue of General Zorawar Singh at the University of Jammu marks a significant tribute to the valiant warrior and military strategist. The unveiling of a statue of General Zorawar Singh at the University of Jammu marks a significant tribute to the valiant warrior and military strategist. Lieutenant Governor Shri Manoj Sinha’s presence at the event underscores the importance of commemorating the sacrifices and contributions of historical figures like General Zorawar Singh. The decision to establish a Chair in General Zorawar Singh’s memory at the University of Jammu reflects a commitment to preserving his legacy and inspiring future generations. By providing a platform for students and researchers to delve into General Zorawar Singh’s life and achievements, the Chair aims to instil a sense of pride and patriotism while fostering academic excellence. His acknowledgment of the efforts by organisations such as the General Zorawar Singh Memorial Educational and Charitable Trust and the J&K Ex-Services League underscores the collaborative effort to honour General Zorawar Singh’s contribution to India’s rich history. Their dedication to commemorating his legacy ensures that his story continues to be remembered and celebrated. Furthermore, the Lt. Governor’s reaffirmation of the administration’s commitment to honoring the valor and sacrifice of J&K’s immortal heroes reflects a broader recognition of the region’s rich cultural and historical heritage. By acknowledging the sacrifices made by individuals like General Zorawar Singh, the administration pays homage to the resilience and spirit of the people of J&K. In essence, the unveiling of General Zorawar Singh’s statue and the establishment of a Chair in his memory symbolize a collective effort to preserve and honor the legacy of a true patriot and military genius. Through initiatives like these, the spirit of courage, sacrifice, and dedication embodied by General Zorawar Singh continues to inspire and guide generations to come, fostering a stronger and more prosperous future for Jammu and Kashmir.

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