Human trafficking can be fought with collective strength and determination of society: J&K LG Sinha

Human Trafficking in today’s fast changing world is not a trifle problem but an extraordinary challenge, said the Lieutenant Governor of Jammu and Kashmir, Shri Manoj Sinha addressing the National Seminar on Anti-human Trafficking Awareness organised by the National Commission for Women in Kashmir. The Lieutenant Governor said that it is such a heinous crime in which both national as well as international criminal networks have become a part of it. Millions of innocent children around the world every year are suffering the brunt of this crime. Even today, especially the weaker sections of the society, children, women, migrants, refugees, and displaced workers are particularly vulnerable from the perspective of human trafficking. All sections of society need to know this fact to end human trafficking completely. In moving forward, the collective strength of the people and the determination of the society can be a big step to fight it. There may be many times when we see suspicious activity in our neighbourhood. But still we think why should we bother. We need to come out of this mindset and we must, LG said. It is possible that some minor trafficked from outside may be forced to marry. A child may have been brought for domestic labour under any arrangement. Maybe your small information, small effort can save many innocent lives, LG pleaded. Last year in Budgam, through collective efforts more than a dozen people were rescued from trafficking. That’s why every section of the society needs to be aware of this. To end the criminal system I think it’s very important to adopt a zero tolerance policy for crime against women and to work with sensitivity. All the anti-human trafficking cells in every district should start a campaign to connect youth with this campaign. In all the districts and urban wards, youth clubs are there. The youth clubs are functioning in Jammu and Kashmir in a good manner. The policies of the government of our administration are playing a very active role in bringing them to the ground. Anti human trafficking cells will be established in all the districts of Jammu and Kashmir and we are fully committed to enabling them. In 11 districts, anti-human trafficking cells are functional. In the remaining 9 districts, we will soon get them operational, LG said.

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