Every Youth Must Hear This & Make A New Beginning | Lt Gov J&K Encourages Youth Power

Every Youth Must Hear This & Make A New Beginning | Lt Gov J&K Encourages Youth Power The Lieutenant Governor of Jammu & Kashmir, Shri Manoj Sinha attended the closing ceremony of the state level Youth Utsav: India@2047. The two-day event was organised by the Ministry of Youth Affairs & Sports through Nehru Yuva Kendra Sangathan. I consider this the beginning of a new chapter in your lives. So instead of a closing ceremony, I would like to call it the beginning of a new chapter for young talents, LG said. This festival is also an opportunity to bear in the heart and mind and engage with new will power in building a developed India in 2047, LG added. This festival is also an opportunity to create new dynamism by awakening self-respect in the society and journey towards a bright future. Today we have become the fifth largest economy in the world. And we have resolved to become the third largest economy in the world in the coming three years, LG said. Youth power is the greatest asset of our country. They have courage to stand alone against all odds and challenges without any fear and always ready to provide new ideas and new initiatives for the betterment of the society, the Lt Governor said. Today India has become the world’s leading power in scientific discovery, startups, unicorns, service industry and manufacturing. Today, India is the most vibrant society with unity in diversity. Young India has today created a new class of courage and entrepreneurs. The Lieutenant Governor said the creativity, charisma and hard work of the youth is the formidable force that is setting new agenda of development. The concept of youth has given birth to scientific thinking and discovery, the whole world is looking towards us today for the spiritual knowledge and the guidance of thoughts for a cultural society. Taking advantage of this opportunity, young people will come of age in every sector of life. I believe in that. The Lieutenant Governor emphasised the need to harness the vibrant energy of the youth to realise the constructive goals. And I want our youth to accept new challenges. Always invest your energy in finding new solutions. There are stones in the journey of development of the society, we must unite with full determination to destroy them, so that there is development in India of a new consciousness, new energy and a new soul can be born of faith, LG said. Youth is the most powerful tool to shape the better future and usher in socio-economic revolution. India’s greatest wealth is its youth. And patience and courage are the greatest assets of youth. I strongly believe that youth is the only vehicle for change, LG said. Youth are also the bearers of socio-economic revolution. Only the youth and the youth can create a new cultural revolution. The coming time belongs to the youth of India. And the time to come is yours. And this is the right time, keep this in mind, the LG said addressing the youth of Jammu & Kashmir.

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