SRINAGAR, OCTOBER 30: The Director Agriculture Kashmir Chowdhury Mohammad Iqbal Today visited saffron areas of Pampore and took stock of the crop scenario. He inspected different fields and took feedback from the concerned saffron growers.
While having exchange of thoughts with the farmers, Director Agriculture underlined the efforts by the department for strengthening of irrigation facilities in the saffron areas of Pampore. Amid saffron flowers in full bloom,
Director Agriculture said that department is working for area expansion under saffron crop and different stake holders are on board in this endeavour. He said that department has identified saffron farmers (nurseries) for saffron corm multiplication so that the seed could be provided to more and more farmers and the crop could be introduced in newer areas.
He said that over the years saffron farmers are now adopting modern practices, technologies in the field of saffron cultivation. He said the role of the India International Saffron Trade Centre (IIKSTC) has been commendable not only in providing different mandatory services but also in the capacity building of the saffron growers.
He said after getting G.I tag there is a vast potential in saffron crop and in coming times it would play a vital role in the socio-economic transformation of farming community of the area in particular and agriculture Economy of the region in general.
Director said under HADP a special project is under implementation for the promotion of saffron crop.
Director Agriculture assured the saffron farmers of all the possible technical support. He directed the concerned officers to work in close coordination with farmers and guide them during all the pre and post harvesting operations.