Athar Amir Khan, CEO Srinagar Smart City said at the site of the Lal Chowk Development project that work is going on in full swing. In the coming days, he is hoping the entire project will be done. The CEO said that the cobbled road in Lal Chowk has been completed. Traffic has started on this road. Work on Lal Chowk plaza is being commenced now. We had done the drainage and other items earlier. Now the surfacing work needs to be done. We will try to wrap up the work soon, the CEO said. The Clock Tower is almost 90% done. Some lighting and cladding work is ongoing. By Eid, the situation will be better and work will be in an advanced stage. Traffic has smoothened up with the Lal Chowk road being thrown open to the public. We are all working hard on this and it should be completed well ahead of time by Eid. There are many benefits of Smart City, shopkeepers in Srinagar said. The Lal Chowk is nearing completion. We want to thank the CEO. The footfall is also increasing and it will promote our business. Lal Chowk will look better than Polo View, say shopkeepers in Lal Chowk. The area is more than Polo View and the authorities have made it beautiful. The tourists who come to Srinagar, they definitely visit Lal Chowk once. Lal Chowk has its own importance. We have seen development here after 20-30 years. Development increases footfall. Hopefully, our business will also increase, said the shopkeepers. During the development work, the shopkeepers and the traders community have to face a little difficulty. But it is a part of the game. When the plaza gets made, the whole look will change and there is 100% chance of our business flourishing, said a shopkeeper.