Insiya Hassan, a Magham in Budgam, Jammu and Kashmir is grateful to the Jammu and Kashmir administration for giving a garbage and grey water system in Budgam. Earlier people in Budgam used to throw garbage out of the house which was not good for a healthy living. The Ministry of Rural Development has taken an initiative to dispose of all the garbage and grey water in a proper manner. Insiya says, a soak pit has been provided due to which our drinking water will be clean and safe. The administration is providing individual households with construction of a soakage pit and compost pits. Now garbage will not be put into rivers and streams, earlier the garbage used to leak into water and streams, lakes and people used to fall sick, says Aijaz Bhatt, Nangerpora Mazhama. People are very happy with this scheme and they think it is for their benefit. Gh. Hassan Bhat, Mazhama Beerwah says, now we put grey water in the soak pit and house garbage in the compost pit. This way, we are staying healthier and not falling sick due to illnesses. The small children’s health used to be affected by garbage decaying around. Aijaz Bhatt, Nangerpora Mazhama says we used to throw grey water which travelled through the nallah into the streams. Aijaz says the rural development department is providing financial assistance to households for the construction of toilets. The air used to get polluted. This was also a good scheme of the government. A lot of development has been going on in the village in the past three years and we are very happy. Magham Insiya says everyone should keep their environment clean.