I had attended an awareness programme about HADP schemes in Jammu & Kashmir. One of them was about High Tech Polyhouse. After hearing there, I applied online and my application got sanctioned, said a man in J&K. This was a project for 21 lakhs in which I got 95% subsidy. Now we are working on exotic vegetables and work has started on it. Around 7-8 people more are working on the High Tech Polyhouse project for me and their income livelihood has also started. For the Green Polyhouse that you see, the farmer has contributed only 5% for it. And the rest has been paid by the Government. Effort is on to make the farmers aware about hi-tech agricultural products and techniques, said a Government official. For fulfilling our Prime Minister’s aim of doubling the income of farmers, a big contribution has been made by the J&K Lieutenant Governor Shri Manoj Sinha who brought the HADP schemes here on an immediate basis and gave benefits to the people.