Around 4274 Gram Panchayats in J&K Onboarded on Cashless Mode | BHIM-UPI Transactions Adopted | On the historic day of October 2nd, on Gandhi Jayanti this year in 2023, the Lieutenant Governor of Jammu & Kashmir Shri Manoj Sinha inaugurated ‘Cashless Panchayats’ by adoption of BHIM-UPI mode of transactions in Gram Panchayats of J&K. • Around 4,274 Gram Panchayats of J&K UT were on boarded on Cashless Mode by adoption of BHIM-UPI mode of transactions. • In addition, the Lt Governor handed over the land allotment letters to the landless beneficiaries of PMAY-G. • Around 6,650 villages of J&K were declared ODF+ Model under SBMG. LG congratulated the Rural Development Department, PRIs and institutions for achieving 100% cleanliness and Solid and Liquid Waste Management in all 6650 villages. Growth in rural areas is fueling the socio-economic development of J&K UT. ISO dedicated 13 Block Development Council Buildings across J&K to the Panchayati Raj Institution (PRI) representatives to mark the occasion. In his address, the Lieutenant Governor expressed gratitude to Prime Minister Narendra Modi for shaping a new destiny for Jammu and Kashmir.