NDMA convenes Coordination meeting ahead of Amarnathji Yatra at Ganderbal

GANDERBAL, JUNE 21: The National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) today held a coordination meeting with all stakeholders involved in the management of the upcoming Shri Amarnath Ji Yatra-2023 (SANJY) at the Conference Hall of Mini Secretariat, here.
The meeting was chaired by the Deputy Commissioner (DC) Ganderbal, Shyambir along with Brig. B.S Thakur from NDMA.
At the outset, brief discussion was held on key aspects of disaster management such as the formation of Incident Response Teams, coordination among various participating agencies, evacuation, communication plan, medical preparedness and trauma counseling.
The DC impressed upon all the line departments to work in coordination and be prepared for any disaster/calamity and accordingly prepare your plans to tackle any untoward situation.
While interacting with the participants, the DC exhorted upon all the departments to prepare SOPs to be followed besides availability of machinery, list of officials, area of responsibility and their contact details shall be provided to District Yatra Cell and same should be updated with camp directors.
The meeting also deliberated upon the arrangements being finalized with regard to tackling any disaster or calamity during the Yatra via Baltal route.
Information department was directed to make continuous announcements regarding Yatra SOPs and dedicated staff shall be deployed at all stations.
Additional Deputy Commissioner Ganderbal, Mehraj-ud-Din Shah, DySP HQ, CMO Ganderbal, DFO Sindh Forest Division, ALC, Officials from NDMA and other district officers were present in the meeting.

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