75th Republic Day | J&K LG Honours Sacrifices | Highlights Vision for Prosperous & Inclusive Future

75th Republic Day | J&K LG Honours Sacrifices | Highlights Vision for Prosperous & Inclusive Future The Lieutenant Governor of Jammu & Kashmir, Shri Manoj Sinha congratulated all the citizens on the 75th Republic Day celebrations. On this day in 1950, India by accepting the Constitution, it took the form of a Republic. On this auspicious festival, I salute the brave freedom fighters and policy makers who sacrificed their lives for this country. Today we also pay tribute to all those brave men of Jammu and Kashmir police armed forces, and central security forces who have sacrificed their lives to keep the united integrity of the nation. I also salute those brave soldiers who are protecting the borders in the forests, in the snowy mountains. And with whose sacrifice, courage and determination, our beloved tricolor is flying high in the sky. Jammu and Kashmir Police has a long history of service, courage and sacrifice. Jammu and Kashmir Police has set high standards of dutifulness and efficiency in the entire country. Jammu and Kashmir Police has once again shown the highest bravery in the country and achieved 72 bravery medals and four Sharya Chakras, proving that patriotism and soul sacrifice are its second name. Every citizen, farmer, youth, woman power, scientist, teacher, doctor, engineer, artist, craftsman, tribal community has strengthened the foundation of this great democracy by soaking it with their blood and sweat. Its foundation also includes the sacrifice of our elders. Who laid the foundation stone of an India that has unity in diversity, is free from discrimination and is driven by social justice and efficiency. The next twenty-five years are the time to build a developed India by realizing the aspirations of the future generations. Today, the world’s fifth economic power has emerged as an India which has been at the center of development. The most striking example of an India that has absolute faith in its soul since independence is seen today in Jammu and Kashmir. The dream of social equality and freedom from exploitation is beginning to come true. In accordance with the expectations of the common man, efforts are being made to build a modern Jammu and Kashmir where there is equal opportunity and equal justice for all. Where policies are based on humanity and brotherhood. Where merit is recognized. Where the atmosphere of peace can convert all the powers of the citizens into prosperity. Where there is speed of development and also inclusion. Where industrial and service sectors create endless employment opportunities for youth, women, farmers and workers with new intentions and enthusiasm. A Jammu and Kashmir where the aspirations of the society are higher than the peaks. The deprived class in Jammu and Kashmir which is dreaming big for whom the administration is using all the mechanisms of governance to make it come true with its power and dedication. Through socio-economic development, efforts are being made to give the center state of Jammu and Kashmir its rightful place among the developed states. Over the past five years, Jammu and Kashmir has succeeded in getting on its own feet, having overcome many challenges with strong determination. New society for the new generation has been the main resolution of 2024.

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