‘Zeal of Pen’ author is a class six girl student of Anantnag

The District Development Commissioner, Anantnag awarded a Certificate of Merit to Adeeba Riyaz, a student of class 6, Radiant Public School. She has become an author of her first book, ‘Zeal of Pen’ which was written in eleven days. As the name suggests, the book refers to the passion of the pen. She also won the first prize in The Wordsmith Contest. Young author Adeeba says we all should progress in every field and fulfil our dreams. According to Adeeba, the youth these days are addicted to drugs, mobile, and leaning towards suicide. This is not at all right, she says. Society should be moving ahead in all areas. Literature is a good field and people can benefit by studying it. Reading also empowers our minds, says Adeeba. She will keep writing books and implores everyone to cultivate the habit of reading books.

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