Peace flows in Kashmir on the 153rd birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi

Gandhi Jayanti Kashmir

Peace is important to Jammu & Kashmir. A Shanti Yatra was organised in Budgam in commemoration of 153rd birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi ji. The Department of School Education, Jammu & Kashmir, Directorate of School Education Kashmir in co-ordination with the Chief Education Officer Budgam organised several activities including a peace rally to spread the ideals of Mahatma Gandhi.

Md. Maqbool Bhat, District Cultural Coordinator says, the main intention is to spread the message of peace and non-violence, Gandhi’s principles through school children to every individual in Kashmir.

Sayyed Mukim, a student says after reading Gandhi’s philosophy, I have learnt that Gandhi’s thoughts on education, non-violence, and even Dandi March are beneficial to us as a nation and we should implement his thoughts in every way.

Kashmir Ahead

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