LG Sinha On Jammu University’s Foundation Day: Embrace Change & Create Curiosity in Education

In its long journey of fifty-four years, the University of Jammu and Kashmir has seen many changes and ups and downs, said the Lieutenant Governor of Jammu & Kashmir, Shri Manoj Sinha at the Foundation Day of Jammu University. But it is also certain that the speed at which change has taken place in the last ten years is something that this university might not have seen in fifty-four years. It is also true that transformation needs a strong center and a strong foundation and that remains the same. We believe that the center of education is our curiosity to know, our desire to know and our determination to contribute to nation building, LG said. Amidst the continuous changes taking place in Jammu University, the skills and knowledge required for the present and future are developing new leadership. What will be the form of education in the future? It is also playing an important role in that change. Dr Sarvepalli Radakrishnan used to say, we cannot create perfect time from great materials. And therefore, such an environment has to be created in universities in which teachers and students can talk like friends. And without fear, we can come together to build the nation. This is the real meaning of education. The one who gives you new ideas, motivates you to dream, inspires you to make it come true. May the new rising sun give you a new purpose every morning, LG said. And I think this is the responsibility of teachers today. They should innovatively ensure a system in their class that encourages new ideas. They should not just see marks but also see that students have clear goals for their career journey. Whether dedication, confidence, optimism and curiosity is there or not? Our National Education Policy has provided us with many opportunities. This nation will always be grateful to the respected Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi for it. Jammu University and many other universities have taken up the task of demolishing these walls with great courage. Students have been given the opportunity to discover new possibilities. You guys started College on Wheels. I congratulate you all, LG said. Just imagine what a huge creative force will travel together. It will not only end the fugitive distances but will also generate new energy and resolve of faith in the great cultural heritage of the country.

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