Thirteen-year-old Muskan Rana is an eighth standard girl studying in Modern Academy School in Jammu and Kashmir. What defines her is her skills in gymnastics which she has been practising for six years. She got inspired by watching gymnastics videos on YouTube. Muskan then told her parents that she wanted to learn gymnastics. Her mother Usha Rana says, Muskan played her first gymnastics performance in Srinagar. She then played gymnastics at Mohali, Chandigarh and Gwalior. Muskan was awarded prizes by the Lieutenant Governor of Jammu and Kashmir, Shri Manoj Sinha. Muskan has played artistic gymnastics at the Khelo India Youth Games 2023 winning first gold for Jammu and Kashmir. She is a strong gymnast who is very hardworking. Muskan Rana has won five medals including two gold, and three silver medals for J&K. Muskan has also played at an International game in Thailand to represent India. Her father Kiran Singh Rana says to support his daughter’s gymnastic career, he has to work hard. He gets up at five o’ clock to make momos. It keeps him busy till 3-4pm. His wife Usha is a housewife who helps him in making momos. Muskan’s parents work tirelessly to give their children a better future. Her father keeps running around to deliver momos then drops children to school and picks them up. Later he takes Muskaan for gymnastics classes at the stadium around 4 pm. Muskan’s father has invested a lot of money into her career as a gymnast. He says now it all depends on Muskaan’s hard work. Muskan Rana says, I am trying my best to move ahead. She wants to perform well in the juniors and seniors category. Her focus is to compete at the world stage and showcase her skills at the international platform. Her father Kiran Singh said, we keep investing whatever we have in her career as a result we are not able to build our house. We want our daughter to make India proud, says gymnast Muskan Rana’s parents.