J&K LG Manoj Sinha Hails Swarojgar Series | Affirms Farmers, Youth & Women as Pillars of Strength

J&K LG Manoj Sinha Hails Swarojgar Series | Affirms Farmers, Youth & Women as Pillars of Strength Last year, on the same date, 24th January, we all were present in the same hall for the Self-Employment Festival, said the Lieutenant Governor of Jammu & Kashmir, Shri Manoj Sinha in Jammu. And last year, thousands of young people got the opportunity to start a new life. With the economic assistance of approximately Rs 1100 crore, the youth of Jammu and Kashmir were not only linked to employment but today I know people who have employed not only themselves but also other people, LG stated. This Swarojgar series started from 2020. A new medium of flight for young dreams was created. Not only has a new life journey started for more than six lakh youth in J&K, but a new story of the new construction of Jammu and Kashmir has also been written, LG said. And we are moving towards a bright future. Personally I believe that the three biggest strengths of Jammu and Kashmir are the farmers, the second is the youth and the third is our sisters and women, LG said. Respected Prime Minister of India, Shri Narendra Modi has infused new energy into the power of women power. And I would like to say that in August 2019, Jammu and Kashmir’s Article 370 abrogation was the main reason for the full rise of these three powers, said the Lt Governor Manoj Sinha.

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