Jashn-e-Dal inspiring the new generation to give a new momentum to Jammu and Kashmir: LG Manoj Sinha

शबे ग़म न पूछ कैसे तेरे मुफ्तला से गुज़ारी कभी आह भर के गिरना, कभी गिर के आह भरना वह किसी की झील आँखें वह मेरा जूनून मिज़ाज़ी कभी दूब बना उभरकर कभी डूबकर उभरना पीर नसीरुद्दीन Over 700 participants including females and males took part in the Jashn-e-Dal function in Srinagar. They participated in water sports, kayaking, canoeing and various genres with full determination, enthusiasm and ability, said the Lieutenant Governor of Jammu and Kashmir, Shri Manoj Sinha. And I guess it doesn’t matter whether they won the medal or not. The biggest achievement is that in the amphitheatre of Dal Lake they overcame difficulties and dared to love the sport. It is important for the players to arouse in them the thirst to play. Instil in them the desire to participate in sports activities. I would like to say that on the waves of this lake what they found during their competition will surely give a new height to their life. Inspiring the new generation will give new momentum to the people, a new power to Jammu and Kashmir and India. LG explained through the lines of Nida Fazli’s ghazal… सफ़र में धूप तो होगी जो चल सको तो चलो सभी हैं भीड़ में तुम भी निकल सको तो चलो किसी के वास्ते राहें कहाँ बदलती हैं तुम अपने आप को ख़ुद ही बदल सको तो चलो Jammu and Kashmir’s 1 crore 30 lakh citizens are trying to move on step by step with peace and prosperity. With new self-confidence, they want to rebuild that foundation of progress. Which can fulfil the dreams of Jammu and Kashmir in Amrit Kaal. And in the making of this modern Jammu and Kashmir, I believe that youth and sports persons will play the most important role. I think that the path of self-reliance will emerge in Jammu and Kashmir only through youth energy. By becoming an influential voice, our youth will be able to carry out revolutionary actions in the public. Through its civic action program, the Jammu and Kashmir Police has made a continuous effort to enhance the youth potential, their creativity and their skills, LG said. Along with giving a new shield to the internal security of Jammu and Kashmir, the police are busy in ensuring that common citizens live in an atmosphere of peace. Take full advantage of development efforts, capacity building of your team, organisation, LG said. Facing challenges like terrorism and law and order, Jammu and Kashmir police is also discharging their duties towards the citizens very well. And advancing the talents of the youth through programmes like Jasn-e-Dal and Pedal for Peace.

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