Empowering women through the Umeed scheme

Umeed scheme under NRLM is a big success in J&K. Women & young girls are earning their livelihood & gaining financial independence. A girl who has benefitted from the scheme expressed her gratitude. ‘I would like to extend my heartfelt gratitude to the government for initiating the Umeed Scheme, which has provided an invaluable opportunity for unemployed women who spend their time at home. Often, this abundant free time goes unutilized, leading to feelings of unproductivity. However, through this remarkable scheme, we have been empowered to learn new skills and crafts, turning idle hours into productive ones. The training sessions have introduced us to the innovative use of pine tree leaves, which are typically seen as grass. These leaves have been the foundation of our new skills, enabling us to create various handcrafted items. This not only opens up avenues for starting a side business but also contributes to our financial independence. Through the Umeed Scheme, we have learned to balance our household responsibilities with entrepreneurial activities. The skills acquired during the 15-day training program, held at the training center, include making baskets and other artisanal products from collected pine leaves. These activities are not only economically beneficial but also environmentally friendly. By utilising pine leaves, we help conserve our forests, protect wildlife, and contribute to a healthier environment. This initiative has provided us with the means to earn our own money, thereby enhancing our sense of self-worth and financial autonomy. We are no longer confined to the label of ‘unemployed.’ Instead, we are artisans and entrepreneurs, ready to contribute to our households and the economy. We express our sincere thanks to the government for the Umeed Scheme. It has given us a purpose, a means of livelihood, and a way to contribute positively to our environment. We are truly grateful for this opportunity to transform our lives and the lives of those around us.

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