BARAMULLA, FEBRUARY 17: The District Development Commissioner (DDC) Baramulla, Minga Sherpa today chaired a District Level Review Committee (DLRC) meeting to review the overall performance of banks and other financial institutions under Annual Credit Plan and Govt Schemes for 3rd Quarter of the financial year 2023-24.
During the meeting, Lead District Manager Baramulla apprised the chair that for the current financial year deposits worth Rs. 6721.72 Crore were made in the banks while advance credits issued amounted to 7016.62 Crore with a credit ratio of 104.39%.
The meeting was also informed that as part of the District Credit Plan, Rs. 3533 Crore have been disbursed for both priority and non-priority sectors, marking an achievement of 81% against the targeted amount of Rs. 4376 Crore for the current fiscal year.
Providing an update about performance of banks under GSS/EGS financial support schemes like PMEGP, PMEGP-DIC, JK-REGP, NULM, KCC etc, it was reported that an achievement of Rs. 196.7 crore has been reached, against the target of Rs. 144.8 crore with disbursement of 12,760 cases.
During the sector-wise review, the DC emphasized the need for banks to enhance credit disbursements in priority sectors such as agriculture and education. Furthermore, the concerned officers were instructed to streamline credit accessibility, making it easier for individuals to avail themselves of these benefits and thereby encouraging greater participation in the schemes.
Deliberating on beneficiary schemes, the DC directed bank officers to provide the Lead District Manager with comprehensive lists of all agricultural and farmer-related schemes operated by their respective banks and instructed them to leverage at least one Stand-Up India Scheme under their supervision for employment generation prospectus.
Meanwhile, the DC instructed the banks to increase the footprint of digital transactions in the district by equipping small business owners, such as shopkeepers and other retail units, with the necessary technology to transition towards digital systems.
The meeting was attended by Chief Planning Officer Planning, Javaid Ahmad; Lead District Manager, Functional Manager DIC, Manager SBI, J&K Bank, and representatives and managers from various public and private banks operating in the district.